If you are an Australian approaching retirement with Superannuation and you are concerned about what your age pension eligibility may be there are a number of things that you can do.
Obviously you can see your local financial planner and they will be able to assist with strategies that will assist you in maximising your age pension benefits.
You can contact Centrelink and ask to see a Financial Information Service (FIS) officer and they will explain to you what the rules are and what strategies you should consider to maximise your age pension entitlements. The FIS officers cannot give advice however they can explain the types of products or strategies that you can use. They will generally then tell you to go and see a financial planner to get more advice if they feel that you will benefit from getting detailed advice directly related to your circumstances.
There are also calculators on the ASIC website and hopefully we will be able to build links into our site here so that you will be able to get the information that you require here without going elsewhere however the smart money website has good calculators and you can copy the address and put it in your browser and that will give you some good information. https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/calculators-and-apps/super-and-pension-age-calculator
We certainly think there is great benefits in taking specialist advice relating to your retirement planning however there is nothing wrong with doing some base research before you engage a planner as having some base knowledge will always be of great assistance to you.